Entrepreneurial Social Networks

Top 5 Social Networks Entrepreneur Strategy
There are hundreds of social networks out there. You can’t be everywhere and we all need to focus our efforts and time on the most effective social networking sites. Here are the social networks I would recommend most for entrepreneurs.

Distributor Acquisition Paradigm Event

Distributor Acquisition Paradigm Event

I have talked in great depth about customer acquisition and how that will eventually become the primary core of a mega success MLM someday likely sooner than later. Like Amazon revolutionized department store shopping and delivery to the Internet, MLM will…

WordPress meets Markethive

WordPress meets Markethive

At one point the decision or revelation became the foundation of the Markethive blogging system. Markethive would make WordPress better.
Let me explain. At one time we considered creating a blog software solution, (Blog Press) with templates that would compete with…

How to be an authority

How to be an authority (Know Your Why First)

Being an authority figure in the online space should really be the goal of any website. When you are an authority figure you have the power to socially influence through your actions and words which means you hold a great deal of power & trust…

Riccardo Ferrari

How Do You Build a Team of 853,000 Sales Reps? By Generating Tons of Leads!

Hello, my name is Riccardo Ferrari and I’m glad you are visiting this blog. My goal is to give you effective, accurate  information and tools that will help you generate quality leads and introduce you to…

The Reach aka Blog Casting

Understanding the Markethive blog and cloud

Markethive did not invent the blog, but we certainly have made it exponentially more powerful.  We certainly have added fun, understanding, reach, groups, daily workshops, understanding and power to the process.
Markethive has successfully…

SEO Tips for Bloggers

SEO Tips for Bloggers

All serious bloggers are interested in building a large community of enthusiastic readers, and this is why SEO is so critical to your success. Without good search visibility, people who are interested in your content, but don’t know you, may never find you.